Conflict and Emotional Crisis Are In The Air _ What Can Help - Human Design Transit Report Sep 14th - Sep 20th with Coach Diamond Drip

earth gate 36 solar plexus center sun gate 6 transit report Sep 17, 2024
Diamond Drip
Conflict and Emotional Crisis Are In The Air _ What Can Help - Human Design Transit Report Sep 14th - Sep 20th with Coach Diamond Drip

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Welcome back to another week of cosmic insights! I’m here to guide you through it because I know firsthand how powerful it can be to understand what’s happening up there in the cosmos. When the stars move and shake, it affects us here on Earth in ways we can’t always put into words. But when we tap into that energy and align with it, we can navigate our emotions with more ease and flow. 

This week, the cosmic energies are stirring up some serious emotional waves. With Gate 6 in our Conscious Sun, the gate of friction and conflict, and Gate 36 in our Conscious Earth, the gate of crisis, the Solar Plexus is fully activated. As one of our awareness centers, the Solar Plexus governs our emotional world, moving in waves between hope and pain. So if you’re feeling the tension rise or notice emotional turbulence creeping in, you’re not alone—these transits are amplifying that energy. Let’s explore how these dynamics play out and what lessons they have in store for us this week.

Energy Center of the Week: Solar Plexus

The Solar Plexus is our emotional compass. It’s responsible for how we process and express feelings, guiding us through the waves of emotional highs and lows. When this center is activated, as it is this week, we may feel more sensitive to the emotional energy around us, both our own and others. This heightened awareness can bring a deeper understanding of our emotional landscape, but it also requires us to stay grounded as we ride the waves. The key to navigating the Solar Plexus is to recognize that emotional clarity doesn’t always come immediately; it’s something we cultivate through time and awareness.

With Sun Gate 6 and Earth Gate 36 activating the Solar Plexus Center this week, you'll experience both friction and emotional ups and downs. These energies push you to navigate emotional turbulence with patience and awareness, helping you grow in wisdom and resilience. Embrace the waves as each fluctuation brings you closer to clarity and balance.

Sun Gate 6: Friction and Conflict

Sun Gate 6 is all about navigating the complexities of friction and conflict. This gate, which is in our conscious Sun this week, brings to the forefront the dynamics of emotional tension and interpersonal disagreements. When this gate is active, it can create situations that challenge our ability to maintain emotional distance from those we encounter. It’s an invitation to manage and regulate the flow of our emotions, especially in situations where intimacy or closeness is not ideal or appropriate. The positive expression of Gate 6 allows you to approach conflicts with a strategic mindset, seeking genuine solutions and using friction as a catalyst for personal development and deeper emotional insights.

The shadow side of Sun Gate 6 often manifests as increased friction, arguments, and misunderstandings. You might find yourself in the midst of random conflicts or feeling a heightened sense of irritation and discomfort. This energy can make it hard to communicate effectively and can lead to unnecessary strife if not managed properly. Miscommunications and emotional turbulence are likely, which can push you into reactive patterns rather than thoughtful responses.

During this transit, I’ve been feeling the impact of Gate 6 quite personally. I spent a good chunk of time taking detailed notes for this report, only to have them disappear due to technical issues. This situation, though frustrating, is a reflection of the friction and conflict energy that this gate brings. It’s a reminder that sometimes, things won’t go as planned, and we need to adapt and find a way to navigate through the chaos. My experience underscores the importance of maintaining emotional control and seeking genuine solutions rather than focusing on blame or frustration.

Earth Gate 36: Crisis and Emotional Ups and Downs

Earth Gate 36 brings to light the complex journey through emotional crises and fluctuating moods. This gate is a powerful force for transformation, challenging us to navigate through periods of intense emotional highs and lows. When you embrace the gifts of Earth Gate 36, you learn to navigate emotional turbulence with grace and patience. This gate teaches you to find wisdom and growth in the midst of crisis, helping you transform challenges into opportunities for emotional depth and resilience. It’s a chance to embrace change and use the ups and downs to develop a more profound understanding of yourself and your emotional landscape. By accepting and learning from these fluctuations, you build the capacity to remain grounded and insightful, even when faced with upheaval.

The shadow side of Gate 36 can manifest as overwhelming emotional instability and a sense of being constantly caught in crises. You might feel that you’re on a never-ending emotional rollercoaster, which can lead to feelings of frustration, anxiety, and instability. This gate can bring about a sense of being perpetually out of balance, with the emotional ups and downs feeling unmanageable and disorienting. It's easy to get lost in the intensity of these fluctuations if you don’t consciously work on finding equilibrium.

In moments of emotional instability, such as when I felt overwhelmed by the pressure to perform flawlessly, Gate 36 reminded me that there’s a profound gift in accepting and working through these crises. By trusting myself and acknowledging that my value isn’t diminished by the absence of perfect notes, I embraced the deeper lesson of this gate: wisdom comes through experience, not from avoiding the bumps along the way.

Reflection Questions for the Week

Take a moment to explore these questions to connect with the energies of each gate and reflect on their impact on your journey this week.

Sun Gate 6: Friction and Conflict

  • What do I need to heal or let go of in order to be more vulnerable in my relationships?
  • What can I do to regulate my emotional energy in a more productive way?

Earth Gate 36: Crisis and Emotional Ups and Downs

  • How does boredom and repetition impact my life?
  • What do I do when I start to feel bored?
  • What can I do to keep myself aligned even when I’m “bored”?

Navigating the Emotional Storm: Insights for Gates 6 and 36

As we wrap up this exploration of Gates 6 and 36, remember that navigating emotional turbulence and embracing change are essential parts of our growth journey. As always, if you want more personalized insights into how these energies are affecting your unique Human Design chart, visit Diamond Drip Consulting to download your free 7-page guide.

Trust in your journey and the process of transformation. Here’s to a week filled with insight, growth, and a touch of joy! ✨

Catch you next time, and keep shining bright! 💫

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