Don't Let Your Inner Perfectionist and Opinions Hold You Back This Week! Human Design Transit Report Sep 25th - Oct 2nd with Coach Diamond Drip

ajna center gate 17 gate 18 human design chart splenic center Sep 26, 2024
Diamond Drip
Don't Let Your Inner Perfectionist and Opinions Hold You Back This Week! Human Design Transit Report Sep 25th - Oct 2nd with Coach Diamond Drip

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After an exciting week celebrating my book launch (we hit #17 on the Barnes and Noble bestsellers list—woohoo! 🎉), I’m thrilled to dive back into the cosmic flow with you. This week’s transit is a powerful one, and I couldn’t wait to share these insights! We’re working with the energies of Gate 18 (Correction) and Gate 17 (Opinions), which are going to challenge our inner perfectionist and push us to rethink how we form our beliefs. It’s time to shed those layers of conditioning and step into your authentic self. So, settle in, and let’s explore how to make the most of these cosmic vibes together! 

Energy Center of the Week: Splenic Center & Ajna Center

This week, we’re focusing on two key energy centers: the Splenic Center and the Ajna Center, both of which play a crucial role in navigating the energies of Gate 18 and Gate 17.

Splenic Center

The Spleen is the center of intuition, instinct, survival, and well-being. It serves as our internal compass, guiding us through life’s challenges by tuning into our intuition and instincts. This center reveals our sensitivity, particularly in relation to our immune system and how we process fears. Physically, it is associated with the lymphatic system, spleen, and spleen cells. As the oldest of the three awareness centers, the Spleen connects us deeply to our bodies, emphasizing survival and instinctual awareness. Each gate within the Spleen resonates with fundamental human fears, originally designed to keep us alive. This week, as Gate 18 activates the Spleen, we’re encouraged to confront these fears, challenge the conditioning that has shaped them, and trust our intuitive responses.

Ajna Center

On the other hand, the Ajna Center is where conceptualization, thinking, and problem-solving occur. This center processes and transforms inspiration from the Head Center into tangible information and insights. Known as the Mind Center, it plays a significant role in our ability to think critically and articulate our ideas. In terms of the physical body, the Ajna is linked to the anterior and posterior pituitary glands. This mental awareness center often manifests as anxiety stemming from the need to resolve doubts and questions. As Gate 17 influences the Ajna this week, we are prompted to examine our opinions and the doubts that may cloud our judgment. It’s a powerful time to sift through thoughts and opinions, using mental clarity to communicate effectively and confidently.


Together, the energies of the Splenic and Ajna Centers invite us to embrace our intuition while remaining open to new perspectives and insights. Let’s harness these energies to challenge perfectionism and explore the depths of our beliefs!

Sun Gate 18: Correction

Gate 18, known as the Gate of Correction, embodies an energy that compels individuals to fix what seems imperfect or requires improvement. This gate shines a light on the tendency to seek perfection, often rooted in the conditioning we received during childhood. When expressed positively, the energy of Gate 18 manifests as a constructive drive to make things better, whether in our personal lives or in our interactions with others. This is about refining and enhancing rather than critiquing for the sake of criticism. Those influenced by this gate can embrace their natural ability to discern what needs correction, using it as a tool for growth and development, both for themselves and their surroundings.

Conversely, the negative expression of this gate can lead to harsh self-criticism and a relentless pursuit of perfection. It can trigger fears of authority and a tendency to conform to external expectations rather than listening to one’s own inner voice. This often results in a cycle of self-doubt and fear, particularly stemming from parental influences, where individuals feel pressured to meet unattainable standards.

Reflecting on my own journey, I can relate to the intense pressure stemming from early conditioning. Growing up, I often heard phrases like, "If I want something done right, I have to do it myself," which fueled an inner perfectionist within me. It was challenging to confront those ingrained beliefs as an adult, especially when they would surface as fears of authority. This week, as I navigate the energies of Gate 18, I'm reminded of the importance of challenging my own beliefs and recognizing the impact of this conditioning on my life. I've learned that by letting go of the need for perfection, I can create space for growth and authenticity, ultimately embracing the beauty of imperfection.

Earth Gate 17: Opinions

Gate 17, known as the Gate of Opinions, represents the formation of opinions with a focus on future possibilities. This gate prompts individuals to organize their thoughts and articulate concepts based on their responses to doubts, offering insights that can be beneficial to themselves and others. The positive expression of Gate 17 allows individuals to constructively engage with their doubts and formulate opinions that inspire progress. This energy fosters a sense of awareness and encourages open-mindedness, enabling us to consider various perspectives and develop ideas that can serve a greater purpose.

In its negative form, this gate can lead to excessive self-doubt and a reliance on external validation. Individuals may become rigid in their opinions, seeking to hold onto beliefs that no longer serve them. This can create a mental landscape filled with anxiety and confusion, as they struggle to balance their thoughts with external influences.

As I step into the energy of Gate 17 this week, I find myself reflecting on how my opinions are shaped by past doubts and external pressures. The awareness that comes with this gate reminds me to approach my thoughts with mental flexibility and tolerance. I’ve noticed that when I cling too tightly to established beliefs, especially those rooted in childhood, it hinders my growth. During this transit, I’m encouraged to let go of rigid thinking and to engage with my opinions more openly, allowing them to evolve. By welcoming this process, I aim to find a balance between my intuition and my thoughts, creating a space where my ideas can flourish without the weight of past conditioning.

Navigating the Path: From Correction to Authenticity

As we engage with the energies of Gates 18 and 17, we’re called to examine the balance between correction and opinion formation. Gate 18 prompts us to face our fears and perfectionist tendencies, while Gate 17 encourages flexible thinking. This week highlights the importance of embracing imperfection and allowing our opinions to evolve, fostering self-awareness and growth. By practicing tolerance towards ourselves and others, we can break free from rigid beliefs and let our intuition lead us.

Let’s harness this transformative energy to challenge outdated perspectives and nurture our innate wisdom, remembering that the journey of self-discovery is just as valuable as the destination.

To kickstart your journey of self-discovery, I invite you to head over to my website and pull your Human Design chart. Understanding your unique design is a powerful step towards knowing yourself better and embracing your true potential. Let's embark on this transformative journey together!

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