Leaders! Stop Waiting Until You're "There" To Share Your Journey ✨ Transit Report Aug 5 -11 with Coach Diamond Drip

earth gate 13 energy center g-center human design chart sun gate 7 Aug 08, 2024
Diamond Drip
Leaders! Stop Waiting Until You're "There" To Share Your Journey ✨ Transit Report Aug 5 -11 with Coach Diamond Drip

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Hey there, cosmic travelers! 🌟 We’ve just entered a new transit, kicking off late on August 5th or early August 6th, and it’s arriving just in time for the powerful Lionsgate portal. With the recent New Moon still fresh in the air, manifestation energy is buzzing all around us. Let's harness this transit and align with the energies of the Sun and Earth gates so you can navigate this period with clarity and purpose. Let’s dive in!

What's the Deal on Cosmic Transits? 

Cosmic transits are the universe's way of saying, "Level up time!" When planets and celestial bodies move through the gates of your Human Design chart, they activate specific energies that shape your feelings, behaviors, and the opportunities that come your way. This week, Sun Gate 7 and Earth Gate 13 are in the spotlight, offering deep insights into leadership and the power of listening. But to fully grasp these influences, let's first explore the energy centers where these gates reside and how they might affect you.

Energy Centers: G Center 

These are the hubs of energy in your Human Design chart, and they play a crucial role in how you experience life. A defined center is consistently active, representing a reliable part of your nature where your gifts shine. An undefined center, on the other hand, is more adaptable and influenced by external energies - a wellspring of profound wisdom.

Let's dive into the magic of the G Center, home to Gate 7 and Gate 13. This is your core hub for identity, direction, and love - your personal GPS guiding you on your life journey and influencing the quality of love you attract. Physically, it connects to your liver and blood, fueling your life force. When Gates 7 and 13 light up, it's an invitation to explore your leadership style and ability to listen deeply.

Sun Gate 7: The Role of Self 

Sun Gate 7 is also known as the Gate of the Role of Self. This gate brings our natural leadership impulse into focus, inviting us to explore how we guide and influence those around us. Whether you're stepping into democratic leadership or taking on a more authoritative stance, Gate 7 highlights the essence of leadership without always needing to be the center of attention. It's the behind-the-scenes power that drives change and introduces new rhythms to our lives and society.

Personally, I've felt this gate's energy intensify, revealing my innate drive to lead and the lessons I've learned along the way. For me, it's been about understanding that true leadership isn't about forcing my way to the top but about being invited to step up by others. The real challenge lies in fostering collaboration and building strong teams rather than seeking control. This journey has taught me the importance of leading through influence and teamwork rather than seeking the spotlight.

However, Gate 7 also has its shadowy side. When out of balance, it can manifest as a fear of inadequacy, causing us to shy away from leadership roles, or as an overbearing need to dominate, leading to manipulation and disempowerment. By acknowledging these potential pitfalls, we can navigate the energy of Gate 7 more gracefully, ensuring our leadership uplifts and inspires rather than intimidates or alienates.

Earth Gate 13: The Gate of the Listener 

Earth Gate 13, currently activated by our cosmic energies, plays a pivotal role in how we listen and process the wisdom shared by others. This gate, known as the Gate of the Listener, enhances our ability to absorb and reflect on the experiences and secrets people confide in us. If you have this gate active in your chart, you're naturally inclined to be a trustworthy confidant, often becoming the keeper of others' stories and experiences. This energy is crucial for understanding the deeper layers of communication and ensuring valuable insights are recognized and appropriately shared.

From my own journey, I've come to deeply appreciate the impact of Gate 13 on my role as a listener. I've noticed that people often open up to me, sharing their experiences and secrets. This has taught me the importance of discerning which stories hold significant wisdom and knowing when and how to share these insights. It's a balancing act - being present and attentive while also filtering out what's valuable for my audience and for myself. This gate's influence has encouraged me to reflect deeply on the experiences shared with me and use them to enrich my own understanding and growth.

However, Gate 13 also has its shadow aspects. In its repressive form, it can manifest as an inability to truly listen and learn, resulting in agreement without discernment. On the reactive side, it can lead to a closed-minded attitude, where disagreements become a default response.

Reflection Questions for This Transit 

This week is all about balancing the drive to lead with the need to listen. Here are some reflection questions to help you navigate these energies:

Sun Gate 7:

  • What are my gifts and strengths as a leader?
  • How do I use these gifts to influence and guide others?
  • Do I fear I don't have what it takes to lead?
  • How can I feel more comfortable stepping into my role as a leader?

Earth Gate 13:

  • What process do I have for reflecting on the stories shared with me by others?
  • What wisdom can be extracted from these stories, including my own experiences?
  • How can I share this wisdom while honoring the privacy of those who opened up?

Embrace Your Journey Through the Transit

This transit is a powerful reminder that you don’t have to wait until you’ve “made it” to share your journey. Your experiences, insights, and even your challenges are valuable right now. By embracing the energies of Sun Gate 7 and Earth Gate 13, you can lead with authenticity and wisdom, guiding others while staying grounded in compassion.

Ready to dive deeper into your unique Human Design? Pull your chart to discover how these gates are influencing you. Let's continue this transformative journey together - the world needs your light now more than ever.

Stay tuned for the next transit report, and until then, keep shining! ✨

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