Making Sense of Past Experiences, Remaining Open Through The Healing Process Human Design Transit Report Sep 9th - Sep 14th with Coach Diamond Drip

ajna center earth gate 22 energy center reflection solar plexus sun gate 47 Sep 10, 2024
Diamond Drip
Making Sense of Past Experiences, Remaining Open Through The Healing Process Human Design Transit Report Sep 9th - Sep 14th with Coach Diamond Drip

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Welcome back to another week of cosmic insights! This week’s energy brings a powerful opportunity for healing and reflection. We’re working with two powerful gates: Sun Gate 47, the Gate of Realization, and Earth Gate 22, the Gate of Openness. These energies will be with us from September 9th through the 14th, bringing up themes of making sense of the past and staying open as we heal.

If you’ve been feeling the pressure to make sense of past experiences or find emotional clarity, you’re not alone. The transits we’re working with now are stirring up both the mind and heart, inviting us to stay open through the process of transformation. Let’s dive in and see what the Sun and Earth have in store for us this week!

Energy Centers of the Week: Ajna & Solar Plexus

To better understand how these gates affect us, let’s take a look at the energy centers they’re located in.

Ajna (Mind) Center

The Ajna Center is the center of conceptualization, thinking, and answers. It processes and transforms inspiration received from the Head Center into useful information for research, review, and communication. Think of it as the mind’s workshop—where ideas and inspirations come together to form concrete concepts and solutions.

It’s also associated with the pituitary glands, which control a variety of important functions in the body, including hormone release. In Human Design, the Ajna Center is a mental awareness center, which means it often carries mental anxiety or pressure to resolve doubts and find answers.

With Sun Gate 47 located here, you may find yourself mentally grappling with unresolved ideas or past experiences. But remember, this energy invites you to be patient and trust that realizations will come when the time is right.

Solar Plexus (Emotional) Center

The Solar Plexus Center is the seat of emotions and feelings. It’s responsible for creating wave-like emotional energy, constantly moving between highs and lows. It’s the most potent energy in the Human Design BodyGraph, driving the intensity of human emotional experience. This energy center doesn’t just affect how we feel—it also moves us forward, pushing us toward emotional clarity and intelligence.

In the physical body, the Solar Plexus Center is associated with the kidneys, pancreas, prostate gland, and nervous system, which makes sense given the role emotions play in regulating our overall well being.

With Earth Gate 22 located in the Solar Plexus Center, you may experience emotional waves that challenge your openness. However, this energy encourages you to embrace vulnerability and trust that emotional clarity will come in due time.

Sun Gate 47: The Gate of Realization

Sun Gate 47, known as the Gate of Realization, invites us to piece together our past experiences and make sense of them. It’s like assembling a mental collage where fragments of memories and ideas don’t initially fit together. This gate encourages patience as we navigate through confusion, ultimately transforming it into something enlightening and uplifting. Working in tandem with Gate 64, which connects confusion to realization, Gate 47 reminds us that clarity is a gradual process.

The shadow side of Sun Gate 47 can create significant pressure to understand and articulate past experiences, sometimes leading to frustration if clarity doesn’t come quickly. You might feel overwhelmed by the need to make sense of things or to help others understand their own histories. This energy can also provoke impatience, especially if you’re struggling to see the bigger picture or feeling burdened by the weight of unresolved ideas.

Navigating this gate's energy has been a profound journey for me, particularly because I have a completely open Ajna. Ideas and inspirations used to float through my mind like a bunch of balloons, overwhelming me with their sheer volume. I felt pressured to capture and make sense of every single one, which often left me exhausted and frustrated. Over time, I learned a valuable lesson: not every idea needs immediate attention. Now, I focus on the ones that truly ignite my passion and let the others drift by. This shift in approach has allowed me to harness the transformative power of Gate 47, turning confusion into clarity and helping me guide others through their own mental and emotional landscapes.

Earth Gate 22: The Gate of Openness

Earth Gate 22, known as the Gate of Openness, bestows a magnetic charm and natural grace when you're aligned with its higher frequencies. This gate, located in the Solar Plexus, is deeply connected to our emotional waves, making it a source of social grace and magnetism when you're in a positive emotional state. The gift of this gate enhances your ability to connect with others and empower them through your emotional depth, particularly useful if you work in fields like coaching, therapy, or teaching.

When operating from the shadow side of Earth Gate 22, you may find yourself becoming more antisocial and withdrawing due to fears of inadequacy. This gate’s shadow frequencies can manifest as a reluctance to show vulnerability, leading you to close off emotionally. You might struggle with controlling your emotional reactions, potentially resulting in destructive behaviors towards others. Richard Rudd, in his contemplation of Gene Key 22, describes this shadow as "dishonor"—a state where we make ourselves victims and deny our own power, preventing us from stepping into our full potential.

Reflecting on this gate, I’ve realized how its shadow aspects have played out in my own life. I used to undervalue my work by lowering rates and overextending myself, driven by a fear of rejection. Despite my passion for helping people unlock their authentic selves, I found myself limiting my potential out of a fear that standing confidently in my value would lead others to walk away. Addressing this fear and recognizing the dishonor in not fully embracing my worth has been a crucial step in my personal and professional growth. By confronting these shadows, I’ve been able to fully harness the power of Earth Gate 22, using it to connect with and empower others with grace.

Reflection Questions for the Week

To help you work through this energy, here are some reflection questions for this week’s transits:

Gate 47:

  • What thoughts do I have when I receive an idea or inspiration? 
  • How does it feel to let go of figuring out “how” I’m going to make my idea a reality?
  • What can I do to cultivate a strong mindset?
  • How can I create more mental space for the “aha” moments to come through?

Gate 22:

  • Where am I denying my passion in my life? Where have I settled for less than
  • What do I want because I’m afraid I can’t get what I want?
  • What do I need to do to fully activate my passion? What is one bold step towards my genius that I could take right now?

These questions are meant to guide you through the mental and emotional pressures you might feel this week. Don’t rush for answers—allow them to come in their own time.

Final Thoughts

This week’s energy encourages us to make sense of the past while staying open to the healing process. It’s a dance between realization and emotional openness, so don’t be surprised if you feel both mental and emotional pressure during this time. The key is to remain patient with yourself and trust that clarity will come.

As always, if you want more personalized insights into how these energies are affecting your unique Human Design chart, visit Diamond Drip Consulting to download your free 7-page guide.

Until next time, stay open and keep trusting the process. 💎

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