Transit Alert! (July 30th - August 5th) A Time of Reflection Of The Past And Defining What You Need with Coach Diamond Drip

gate 19 gate 33 human design bodygraph human design energy centers root center throat center Aug 01, 2024
Diamond Drip
Transit Alert! (July 30th - August 5th) A Time of Reflection Of The Past And Defining What You Need with Coach Diamond Drip

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Sometimes, life feels like a cosmic roller coaster, and this week is no different. But guess what? The universe isn't just throwing curveballs—it's offering opportunities. From July 30th to August 5th, the cosmic spotlight shines on Sun Gate 33 and Earth Gate 19. This is your chance to reflect on the past and clarify what you need to move forward. Let’s dive into what these gates mean and how you can make the most of this transit!

What’s the Deal with Cosmic Transits?

Cosmic transits are the universe's way of signaling, “It’s time to level up!” As planets and celestial bodies move through the gates of our Human Design chart, they temporarily activate specific energies. These transits can shift your feelings, behaviors, and the opportunities that come your way. This week, the energy of Sun Gate 33 and Earth Gate 19 is particularly potent, urging us to reflect and redefine our needs.

Sun Gate vs. Earth Gate

Sun Gate: Think of Sun Gate as the universe's spotlight on your core self. It sheds light on who you truly are and how you express your unique energy to the world. This gate helps you uncover your strengths and guides you towards your true purpose, making it easier to align with your authentic self. For instance, Sun Gate 33 emphasizes the importance of stepping back to reflect and integrate past experiences.

Earth Gate: Earth Gate is like the grounding force that supports your journey. It provides the stability you need to turn the potential revealed by your Sun Gate into reality. This gate helps you understand your deeper motivations and build a solid foundation for your life by addressing both your practical and emotional needs. Earth Gate 19 represents a drive to fulfill material and emotional needs and seek meaningful connections.

Defined vs. Undefined Centers

Everyone has 9 energy centers and access to all types of energy. However, your experience with each specific energy will vary depending on how the energy centers are represented in your chart.

 Defined Center: A defined center in your chart is consistently active and accessible, representing a dependable part of your nature. It’s where your innate gifts shine and where you naturally influence others. For example, a defined Throat Center indicates a clear and consistent way of expressing yourself and manifesting your intentions.

Undefined Center: In an undefined center, the energy isn’t consistently active; it’s more variable and adaptable. You absorb and amplify energy from your surroundings, which can make you more susceptible to external influences. However, this is also where profound wisdom can develop. An undefined Root Center, for example, might lead to inconsistency in handling stress but also offers deep insights from these experiences.

Open Center: An open center functions similarly to an undefined center but without a specific theme. It can be influenced in broader and more variable ways, showing flexibility in how it experiences energies but may be more prone to conditioning.

Sun Gate 33: The Gate of Retreat

Sun Gate 33, or the Gate of Retreat, is all about the power of stepping back. Located in the Throat Center and connecting to the G Center via Gate 13, this gate encourages you to find privacy for deep reflection. If this gate is active in your chart, you likely need time alone to process your experiences and prepare to share your insights. Those with Gate 33 often develop into skilled storytellers, turning personal experiences into impactful narratives.

From my own experience, I deeply resonate with Gate 33. When this gate is active, I crave moments of solitude to reflect on past events and gather insights. It’s like hitting pause to gain clarity and wisdom. This reflection process has been instrumental in shaping my ability to share valuable lessons with others. 

However, if not balanced, there’s a risk of excessive retreat, which can lead to isolation and difficulty connecting with others. Alternatively, you might seek attention by provoking reactions, using your insights to highlight others' flaws rather than offering genuine help.

Earth Gate 19: The Gate of Approach

Earth Gate 19, known as the Gate of Approach or Wanting, is situated in the Root Center. This gate embodies a drive to fulfill both material and emotional needs, striving for connection and support. If this gate is active in your chart, you’ll likely have a strong drive to meet your basic needs and foster supportive relationships.

I’ve seen the influence of Gate 19 in action with my mother-in-law. Her consistent focus on meeting her family’s needs—whether it's keeping the fridge stocked or maintaining close relationships—is a perfect example of this gate's energy. This gate, located in the Root Center, exerts pressure on individuals to address their environment's needs and to integrate well with others.

When this gate is out of balance, it can lead to codependency and a fear of being alone. This might manifest as seeking excessive validation or attention, leading to isolation and frustration when others don't meet your expectations.

How to Navigate This Week's Transit

As Sun Gate 33 and Earth Gate 19 are activated this week, use this time to reflect on the past and define your needs moving forward. Here are some guiding questions to consider:

Sun Gate 33:

  • How does this gift show up in my life?
  • Am I giving myself the space and time to retreat and reflect on my experiences and stories?
  • Am I isolating myself in retreat?
  • How can I find balance?
  • Am I living on the shadow side of this gift?

Earth Gate 19:

  • Am I emotionally present in my relationships?
  • Do I expect my partners to “just know” what I need to be satisfied?
  • Do I need to become more attuned to my own needs and communicate them more clearly?
  • Am I living on the shadow side of this gift?

Use this transit to gain clarity on what you need and how to meet those needs. Reflect on these energies and let them guide you toward greater self-awareness and fulfillment. For personalized insights, access your free Human Design chart and see how these gates are influencing you.

Let’s harness this cosmic opportunity to illuminate and activate your unique gifts and define what truly lights you up.

Stay tuned for next week's update as we continue to navigate these cosmic energies together.

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