Healing My Inner Child (and Conditioning) Through Understanding Human Design

Season #2

Dive deep with me in this week's heartfelt episode where I peel back the layers of my own story. I open up about my childhood experiences and the impact they've had on the way I interact with the world. Have you considered how conditioning influences your choices? I realized I was chasing and placing my value in external validations – Getting straight A's in HS -Graduating college with the highest honor -People pleasing my way to respect in relationships ➡ All because I observed the voids in my mother's life. This pursuit trapped me in a cycle of excelling at what I was 'supposed' to do, ...Which disconnecting me from my true aspirations. In this soul-searching journey, I invite you to reflect on your own life. Are there areas where you feel confined by societal or self-imposed expectations? It's time to question the narrative and trust your inner voice. Discover your intrinsic worth and embrace the love you deserve, Not for your achievements or for pleasing others, but for the incredible person you are. Tune in and let's explore the path to self-trust and authentic living together. 💎 Want to break free of your conditioning and discover how to trust your intuition? 💙 Book your complementary Reclaim Your Joy Clarity Session at www.DiamondDripConsulting.com